Toto LB 3
Long Bean, Toto LB 3 is a very attractive variety with easy harvesting characteristic.
It produces extra long pods up to 70-75 cm.Thick pods with good disease resistant.
High setting ability .

Green Saga LB 5
Green Saga LB 5 produces very premium long dark green pods with slight red tip. It has very excellent shelf life and good continuity to fruits and flowers throughout the harvesting period. Superior eating quality with strong plant resistant towards common diseases.

Vi-King LB 7
Vi-king LB7 is selected for its outstanding performance against Gemini virus .It produces uniform long, straight green pods with smooth skin. It is noted for its outstanding shelf life

Long Victor LB 72
Long Victor LB 72 is a very attractive variety with easy harvesting characteristic. It produces extra long pods up to 75 cm.Thick pods with good disease resistant. High setting ability .