Red Tone AM 711
This variety has large coverage of red color at the centre leaves, vigorous and robust plant. Best harvest after 25 days. Suitable for both green house and open eld planting.
Red Angel AM 722
Round leaves, green edges with attractive inner red. Vigorous plant with upright characteristic. Early maturity at 22 days. Adaptable to high humidity and high heat. Wide adaptability.
Juliet GA 11
This is a premium selection of dark green narrow leaves variety. This variety has very uniform plant development with no side shoot. Rapid growing and perform best in dry and humid conditions. Remarkable shelf life and good eating quality. Juliet GA 11 is a top variety in its particular segment.
Iron Bowl GA 1003
GA 1003, Iron Bowl Amaranth.
This premium curl leaves variety has attractive medium green colour. lt is an outstanding variety in South East Asia Region for its superb eating quality.
White Cloud GA 2003
This light green leaves variety produce high quality yields. Perfect taste and leaf textures. Attractive amaranth for best fresh market presentation.
Rapid Grow GA 1008
Rapid Grow GA 1008 grows very rapidly with high uniformity. The leaves is medium green with slight curl. High yields with high eating quality.